Laser Hair Removal | Deirdre Kelly Beauty Therapy & Laser Hair Removal Clinic

How does the laser hair removal system work?

Candela is the best known name for laser hair removal. The visible light source used in this treatment procedure is attracted to melanin, which is the pigment found in dark hair. Because the light is attracted to dark colours the darker the hair the more effective the treatment. The melanin absorbs the light causing a heat reaction in the hair follicle destroying the hair and rendering it unable to produce a new hair.


What are the steps involved in the treatment?

The hair must be cut back to ensure optimum absorption of the light into the hair follicle. You will be given dark glasses to wear.  With the candela gentlase alexandrite laser, a cooling spray is applied to the skin. The applicator handpiece or laser light is applied to the skin and beams of light are emitted. When the treatment is over, aloe vera will be applied.


Can all hair colours be treated?

For laser hair treatment, the colour of the hair must always be darker than the colour of the skin. Black hairs are most easily treated due to the large concentration of melanin in these hairs, which gives an optimal absorption and conversion of light energy to heat. Fair hair has less melanin and consequently less heat is produced with less certainty of complete destruction of the hair follicles. Grey (or white) hair has no melanin and therefore cannot be treated effectively. The upper skin layer, the epidermis, also contains melanin and the concentration increases when the skin is exposed to UV light. It is therefore necessary to treat dark skinned and tanned individuals with less energy to avoid generation of heat (causing pain or burns). The ideal client is fair skinned with dark hairs but our system has pre-programmed treatment suggestions for different hair and pigment types.


What precautions are needed before and after the treatment?

It is important not to remove hair by epilation, waxing or plucking 4 weeks before treatment to ensure that as many hair follicles as possible contain a hair. To assess the area and hair before treatment, hair needs to be roughly 1-2mm long so it is then possible to programme the hair type into the system and to mark the area to be treated. Clients should avoid tanning from one month before treatment and throughout the course of the treatment. There should be no false tan on the area. We cannot perform a treatment on a tanned area. After the treatment the skin is more sensitive to UV light and sun exposure of the treated area should be avoided for a few weeks to improve the long term results. A sunscreen (SPF 30+) must be used for 1 month after the treatment. After the treatment you may experience local swelling and mild tenderness. The use of 100% Aloe Vera gel is recommended directly after the treatment. For 48 hours after the treatment avoid all heat treatments such as:

  • Steam rooms
  • Saunas
  • Hot baths/showers
  • Excessive exercise
  • Swimming
  • Perfumed creams, soaps & lotions on the treated area

Does the laser hair removal treatment hurt?

The treatment is not painfull for the vast majority of people. You may feel a heating sensation. If you are a little sensitive, why not try our “pain free” Soprano 810 nM diode treatment?


How long does the treatment take?

Initial consultations are of approximately 30 minutes duration. A facial treatment usually takes about ten minutes, whereas treatment of either legs or an entire back takes approximately 60 to 75 minutes.


How can you tell if it has worked?

For many clients, treatment results in the hair becoming loose in the follicle. It can often be easily pulled out with tweezers. A red ring around each follicle is sometimes seen a few minutes after treatment. These two indications are good signs that sufficient heating of the follicles has taken place. However many clients have successful treatment results without these post treatment signs. In general it will take anything from 10-21 days for the roots to work their way to the surface of the skin and shed, leaving the skin smooth and hair free.


How many treatments should I require?

There are 3 different stages of hair growth:

  • Anagen – growing stage
  • Catagen – transition stage
  • Telogen – resting stage

When we treat an area all hair growth stages are targeted however only hair in the anagen stage can be treated successfully as this is where the hair is attached to the follicle. The hairs can be in any of these three stages at any one time. The number of hairs in the anagen phase at any one time varies from 10-70% depending on the body site. This is why repeated treatments are necessary, which will depend on the area being treated. The length and timing of the growth cycles are affected by numerous factors such as body site, hair density, thickness, ethnic origin, hormonal status and age. Approximately 6-8 treatments are needed and the intervals between treatments are typically 1-3 months.


Is laser hair removal treatment like waxing or electrolysis?

Laser hair removal is very different from electrolysis and waxing. Electrolysis is a much slower process the needle has to be inserted into the hair follicle one at a time. In comparison to waxing, the hair needs to be in a certain length before the treatment can be repeated. In some cases the after effects of waxing can be a disadvantage to the client in grown hairs and skin reaction. Laser hair removal treats larger areas of hair growth in shorter periods of time. It is less painful, much faster, more convenient and has shown to reduce in-grown hairs and skin reaction.


Are there any cases in which laser hair removal may not be suitable/possible?

Contraindications For laser hair removal Treatment

  • Pregnancy
  • Kidney Disease
  • Diabetes (Need doctor’s letter)
  • Moles
  • Active Tans
  • Pacemaker
  • Skin Type 6
  • Heart Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Gold Injections
  • White/Grey Hairs
  • Vitiligo